Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Skills Programme

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About this programme:

The main aim of this programme is to equip participants with skills to undertake Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) functions. The imparted skills will assist participants with the knowledge to design relevant M&E frameworks and engage in practical applications of M&E systems. This programme is aimed at strengthening government, private sector’s and civil society organisations’ capacity in monitoring, evaluation and action research in order to develop a pool of researchers and practitioners that have knowledge and skills in participatory monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment of programmes and projects. Strengthening M&E capacities both within and outside of organisations will notably enhance prospects for the success of intervention programmes (and projects) and improve service delivery, impact and efficiency.

How you will benefit:

  • Explain the principles and good practices in M&E systems at different levels in organisations
  • Explain results chain thinking, the centrality of indicators, and the need for basic tools and procedures in M&E
  • Explain logframes, integration of M&E, and international M&E frameworks
  • Design, implement and manage appropriate integrated M&E systems within available resource constraints to achieve desired strategic outcomes in specific fields in organisations
  • Distinguish and explain the types of evaluation methods and their applications
  • Explain the planning and management of M&E processes and describe quality controls and guidelines for reviewing evaluation reports

Key focus areas:

  • Basic M&E concepts
  • Principles and guidelines of building good M&E systems to support good governance and improved service delivery
  • An introduction to research methods
  • Research design, sampling methods, evaluation and selecting research tools
  • Key aspects of quantitative and qualitative analysis
  • Statistical analysis
  • Data analysis, techniques for managing M&E processes and report writing
  • M&E methods and tools
  • Programme logframes and M&E
  • Setting up and managing M&E systems
  • An introduction to policy M&E
  • Participatory M&E
  • The SA Government’s outcomes-based approach to performance monitoring and service delivery
  • Good practice lessons from countries that have exemplary M&E systems in place

Who should attend:

  • Projects staff/M&E staff of NGOs and community-based organisations
  • Project staff/M&E staff in government ministries and parastatals
  • Project staff and management in consultancies and other private sector businesses
  • Programme managers who are interested in developing an understanding of the current issues in M&E, and conceptual skills for managing M&E processes

Entrance requirements:

  • Degree (or equivalent)


One year (block sessions)

Start Date Programme Fee
21st October 2024 R59 900
Course by:

UKZN Extended Learning