Certificate in Intellectual Property and Indigenous Knowledge Systems

About this programme:

The criteria set for intellectual property under the current Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are inadequate to protect indigenous/traditional knowledge. IPRs are largely centred on individual and not collective rights which is characteristic of indigenous/traditional knowledge. Indigenous knowledge is a social capital of marginalised groups. Most of this knowledge is being misappropriated without any benefit for the knowledge producers themselves. Therefore, there is a need to create awareness among participants on the importance of protecting indigenous knowledge systems for equitable benefit sharing with indigenous knowledge producers.

The current international system for protecting intellectual property was developed to meet the interest and needs of technologically advanced societies. It is incompatible with protecting indigenous knowledge systems. The Certificate in Intellectual Property and Indigenous Knowledge Systems is a short programme which intends to equip participants with vocationally oriented knowledge of intellectual property rights management as it pertains to the protection and equitable benefit sharing of indigenous knowledge systems. It will also expose the participants to the inherent challenges associated with IPR as a tool for protecting indigenous knowledge.

How you will benefit. You will learn to:

  • Understand and appreciate the prospects and challenges of protecting indigenous knowledge systems through intellectual property
  • Articulate the major concepts and principles of intellectual property in an indigenous knowledge context
  • Gain the ability to engage with multiple perspectives, forms and sources of IKS using relevant IPR concepts and principles
  • Address the challenges of using IPR for IKS protection and benefit
  • Understand and appreciate equitable benefit sharing of indigenous knowledge systems with indigenous knowledge holders and practitioners
  • Engage with indigenous knowledge holders and practitioners on the importance of protection and equitable benefit sharing of indigenous knowledge for sustainable livelihoods

Key focus areas:

  • Introduction to intellectual property and indigenous/traditional knowledge
  • Prospects and challenges of IPR for protection and benefit of indigenous/traditional knowledge systems
  • Value proposition of intellectual property rights for indigenous/traditional knowledge
  • Positive, defensive and Sui Generis protection of indigenous/traditional knowledge
  • Prior Informed Consent in indigenous/traditional knowledge systems

Who should attend:

The programme is aimed at individuals with an interest in IPR and IKS regardless of prior knowledge in this field. The programme is particularly relevant to those in business and industry, marketing, journalism, government departments, parliament, science and technology, community leadership roles, artistic and literary arts, IT and paralegal services.

Entrance requirements:

  1. Bachelor’s Degree
  2. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) may be applied for access into this programme.
    Candidates must:
    a) Have a matriculation exemption and/or
    b) Have a minimum of 10 years’ experience in an IPR and IKS-related fields


Three Days

* This programme is only available for a full cohort of a minimum of 20 delegates

Start Date Programme Fee
Available on Request The programme fee will be determined based on the requirements
Course by:

UKZN Extended Learning