Leadership Development Programme (Higher Education)

About this programme:

As the world calls for global reform and accountability in Higher Education, as funding becomes more competitive and scarce and as new tools, techniques and technologies become available, the management and leadership role in Higher Education is assuming critical importance.

The aim of this programme is to enable delegates to gauge their management and leadership acumen and personal and professional standing in managing themselves and their respective Higher Education units and departments. Delegates will learn to foster productive working relationships and empower managers and colleagues to innovate and become advocates of continuous improvement through constructive change. Delegates will be provided with support in developing and acquiring competencies to enhance their management of performance through people.

Learning Outcomes:

  • An improved understanding of the unique nature of Higher Education as a sector and a system
  • Exposure to national and global developments in the sector of Higher Education, with a focus on Africa
  • Grasp of current financial management practices and budgeting in Higher Education
  • Appropriate skills and knowledge to lead and manage in multicultural and multinational academic environments
  • Improved knowledge and awareness of governance, ethical and legal issues
  • Understand the role and impact of ICT in the leadership, management and administration of Higher Education institutions
  • Improved communication in managing change in Higher Education
  • Managing self and performance/talent management, continuous improvement and innovative practices


The programme is offered over three intensive modules, one ‘block’ module per month. The timing aims to minimise disruption to the normal working responsibilities of delegates.


  • Higher Education as a system and governance
  • Law and ethics in Higher Education
  • Leadership in the VUCA World
  • Professional development and talent advancement in Higher
  • Financing, funding and budgeting in Higher Education
  • Performance management


  • Institutional communication and public relations
  • Information Communication Technologies (ICT)
  • Innovation and change in Higher Education
  • Teaching and learning in Higher Education
  • Coaching and mentoring for Higher Education
  • Assessment and curriculum design


  • International ranking
  • Research in Higher Education
  • Quality in Higher Education
  • Diversity and multiculturalism in Higher Education


10 days

* This programme is only available for a full cohort of a minimum of 20 delegates

Start Date Programme Fee
Available on Request The programme fee will be determined based on the requirements
Course by:

UKZN Extended Learning