Academic Development Programme (UEIP)

About this programme:

“Education, training and innovation are central to South Africa’s long-term development. They are the core elements in eliminating poverty and reducing inequality, and the foundations of an equal society.” (National Development Plan: Vision for 2030).

For education to play this pivotal role, it requires committed academics who are able to construct and transfer knowledge through carefully designed and implemented curricula. The University Education Induction Programme (UEIP) is designed to support the personal and professional growth of academics through four specialised modules: Supervising Research in Higher Education, Assessing Learning in Higher Education, Designing and Evaluating Curricula in Higher Education, and Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. The academic home of the programme is the School of Education, Discipline of Higher Education Studies.

How you will benefit. You will learn to:

  • Supervise research in ways that are effective, efficient and ethical
  • Explore and debate a wide range of assessment possibilities
  • Develop and critique relevant curricula
  • Enhance teaching and learning practices in the South African context


(May be taken individually)

  • Assessing Learning in Higher Education
  • Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
  • Designing and Evaluating Curricula in Higher Education
  • Supervising Research in Higher Education

Who should attend:

  • All recently appointed academics
  • All academic staff seeking development

Entrance requirements:

The minimum entry requirement for participants in any of the modules is a qualification at a level 7 and above of the Higher Education Qualifications Framework (2007)


3 days per module

Start Date Programme Fee
Please see flyer R9 299 per module
Course by:

UKZN Extended Learning