– by Noluthando Makhaza
According to Leigh Richards (2019),“business administration is the process of organising the business’s personnel and resources to meet business goals and objectives. These processes include human resources, as well as operations management, financial management and marketing management.”
Recently delegates enrolled on the Certificate in Business Administration (CBA) programme are being prepared for University entry into the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) qualification where they will be exposed to all mentioned above and more in-depth Business Administration modules and subjects. CBA is not only an access programme into BBA but also a standalone programme that introduces basic concepts, practices, and techniques that are consistent with modern business, providing knowledge and skills which can be used immediately.
This six-month programme which commenced in February is facilitated by four knowledgeable UKZN academics, namely; Lindiwe Kunene, Ashley Marimuthu, Professor Josue Mbonigaba as well as Professor Sadhasivan Perumal. Each of the academics lecture on one of the following modules: Business Communication; Business Computing and Logical Reasoning; Introduction to Management Science; and Environment of Business. Lecturing on the latter module, Professor Perumal, shared the following insight with us:
“The Certificate in Business Administration (CBA) has a long history of success in contributing towards students who meet the minimum requirements reaching great heights with their academic advancement. Students who have completed the CBA, progressed and completed the BBA and even advanced to greater heights.
For all prospective students the CBA is a valuable programme. The programme has a good practical approach to the work and business environment, students are given the opportunity to build their confidence and realise their full potential. Modules in the programme focus on current issues, critical thinking, innovation, creativity and finding solutions to work and business challenges through case studies, group projects and presentations”.
Apart from qualifying matriculants, this certificate is ideal if you wish to begin or advance your career in business. It is also ideal for junior managers, administrators and clerks, as well as entrepreneurs/professionals who need to improve their business skills. If you would like to enquire about the next intake which is scheduled to commence on 22nd July 2019, please click here.