Women’s Day 2023: Honouring the Resilience, Strengths, and Achievements of Women

7th August 2023

UKZN Extended Learning

– by Ayanda Radebe

Women’s Day is an annual celebration that aims to celebrate women who have shattered barriers, defied expectations, and transformed societies for the better. In 2023 we honour this significant day by acknowledging the resilience, strength, and empowerment of all women worldwide, from influential leaders and activists to everyday heroes who continue to make changes in their respective communities.

One may wonder why women are celebrated this much?

Women have made remarkable contributions in societies and communities, where they play various roles in breaking gender stereotypes and promoting equality. Celebrating women highlights the stories of inspiring female role models with inspirational success stories. These success stories serve as a source of motivation for the future and upcoming generations to pursue their dreams fearlessly, without conforming to any societal standards. It further creates an inclusive environment where every individual, regardless of their gender, social status, or age is respected and feels empowered through groundbreaking initiatives, allowing them to reach their full potential.

While we acknowledge and celebrate the progress women have made in this world at large, it is highly crucial that we also are aware of and recognise the challenges that women face globally. Challenges such as gender-based violence, wage gaps, and underrepresentation in leadership positions persist as barriers to gender equality. It is therefore highly paramount that each year, every individual takes it upon themselves to continue advocating for change. This can be done by creating awareness and addressing these issues to create an inclusive world where each and every women’s voices are heard, valued, and respected.

UKZN Extended Learning prides itself in being an organisation that comprises of majority of a women-dominated workforce. We strive as an organisation that allows women to reach their potential and celebrates their significant contributions to the world. We further believe that celebrating women serves as a reminder of the barriers that have been overcome and reinforces our commitment to continued progress. On the 29th of August 2023, UEL will be hosting the High Impact: Women In Leadership programme which is a leadership programme for female executives and senior managers with a strong focus on establishing influence and authority and translating this into value for their organisation. This programme is also aimed at individuals who are earmarked as women leaders within an organisation. Their skills and competencies are addressed in order to enable them to develop a strong foundation for effective leadership.

Women’s Day 2023 aims to celebrate all women who continue to actively and positively shape the future, together let us continue to celebrate the achievements of women and amplify their voices to bring about positive change.