– by Noluthando Makhaza
Thousands of learners who pass Matric during the National Senior Certificate examinations cannot gain access to Science and Commerce related degrees because they do not meet the entrance requirements of universities. With such a high percentage of Grade 12 learners not meeting the Mathematics entrance requirements for study at a university, we have designed the Foundation Mathematics bridging course in order to assist these learners in improving their Mathematics marks.
The Foundation Mathematics bridging course has been facilitated over a number of years and has positively impacted the lives of many students and their careers paths. Similarly, with the recently facilitated cohort in January, students have excelled in just a short period of two weeks, with the lowest mark of 74% and the highest receiving 97% achieved for the Foundation Maths course. Therefore, an approximation of 20 students will now gain access into their preferred degree programmes.
When we interviewed a few students trying to get to know them a little better, Umar-Farooq Khan mentioned a very unique motivation as to why he chose to enrol on this bridging course. “I am currently studying towards a BCom degree at the PMB campus, and hopefully when I am applying to one of the companies for an internship, this course will give me a competitive advantage amongst the other candidates whose Mathematics results may not be as good as mine”.
Whether you have just completed your Matric, or are in the middle of your degree studies or you are currently awaiting employment, the Foundation Mathematics programme may be the key that you need to unlock your greatness. In order to register for our next intake on 8th June 2020, please click here.
For more information, you may contact the course coordinator, Ms Thobeka Malinga:
T: +27 31 260 1728