– by Noluthando Makhaza
UKZN Extended Learning (UEL) recently hosted a business breakfast for public, private and non-profit entities in the Richard’s Bay region. The city is famously known for its geographic position on the country’s largest square kilometre lagoon of the Mhlathuze River, which gives it one of the largest harbours in the country – making a significant contribution to the GDP rate of KwaZulu Natal.
With discussions centred on the impacts of the 4th Industrial Revolution in various industries – the role played by decision makers and the opportunities presented by the cyber-physical world, our attendees were then tasked with the assignment of deciding which role they want to play.
“Fear can be described as someone realising a problem and creating solutions. In the current world that we live in which is characterised by the cyber-physical systems, we ought to use our fear [of the unknown] as an opportunity to learn new skills.”
– said Dr Sonny Ako-Nai who co-facilitated the event with his colleague, Mr Atul Padalkar.
Richard’s Bay was the first stop on our National Roadshow campaign, and was a huge success. The event presented our attendees with the opportunity to network and form partnerships with the relevant professionals. Our next stop will be Vryheid, and East London towards the end of July. We are looking forward to networking with different companies in the aforementioned regions.
For more info on our Roadshow campaign, please contact the Marketing and Sales Director:
Mrs. Nashlene Maharaj
T: +27 31 260 1234