– by Noluthando Makhaza
UEL recently hosted delegates across the country from Midrand, Durban and Pietermaritzburg in a 3-day Supply Chain Management course. The facilitators engaged with the delegates in unique ways which involved a number of interactive activities that they could link back to their roles in the workplace. One of the delegates, Mr Shamesh Paramasur who works at SNC-Lavalin (based in Midrand, Johannesburg) as a Materials Manager said that the course was very informative and eye opening to other industry standards and going back to work he will have to improve on a whole lot of things. Overall, the delegates found the course very insightful and provided a lot of practical solutions to workplace issues.
This course will be running again this year from 1-3 November.
For more info click here or please contact:
Quanita Frost
T : +27 31 260 3765
E : frostq@ukzn.ac.za