– by Noluthando Makhaza
In the modern world, leadership is no longer considered as a one-dimensional action, as over the years, the concept of leadership has advanced into a multi-faceted process. Those that manage people and run organisations are faced with greater responsibilities to lead by example. Recently, at UKZN Extended Learning, newly appointed first-time and prospective managers took it upon themselves to advance their skill-set and knowledge in order to remain relevant in today’s fast paced competitive business environment. These managers attended a three-day training programme called Managing For Impact (MFI). MFI is a standalone programme and also the first module of the Emerging Managers Programme (EMP).
Lecturing on the programme was the knowledgeable Dr Rosemary Sibanda, the experienced Dr Rudi Kimmie, and the relatable Ms Liz Witherspoon. Over the three days, our facilitators respectively focused their attention on Change Management; the Role of Management and Leadership in Contemporary Organisations; and Emotional Intelligence.
Providing feedback on the last day, Ms Liz Witherspoon said:
“The programme is geared at looking at the managers and how we can introduce them to different tools and different ways of thinking that they can take back practically with them into the workplace.
It’s not only the delegates that learn something new on the programme, but also us as the facilitators. What intrigues us the most are the questions they pose to us and their level of curiosity. When we teach them they are coming back with intelligent questions on how to apply certain techniques at work and also give examples in order to make things practical.
We found this group very enthusiastic, with a lot of feedback and questions which shows that they were really learning. Most of the delegates have stated how grateful and inspired they are to be part of the learning”
One of the delegates, Yolan Nagoor – Policy and Advocacy Manager at the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry, had this to say about the programme:
“The Managing for Impact Programme was a fantastic 3 day programme. It taught one not to just manage teams, departments, units or companies well but manage these structures for positive impact. I would recommend this programme to any leader that’s willing to step out of their comfort zone.”
It is, without a doubt, every manager’s obligation to make sure that they remain relevant by upskilling themselves. New, intermediate and old managers alike are required to improve their skills so that they manage for lasting results. If you have a desire to become a better version of yourself and a better leader, please contact us so that we can assist you in enrolling for a suitable Management and Leadership Programme:
Nashlene Maharaj
T: +27 31 260 3711