– by Noluthando Makhaza
December sees the rerun of the popular University Education Induction Programme (UEIP) which was facilitated by Professor Saras Reddy. Delegates from UKZN and Mancosa participated on this programme for three days. Amongst a number of focal areas, the module covered the following: Introduction to the central role of assessment in higher education and how it influences students’ practices and action; consideration of the learning competencies that academics aspire to for their students; Discussion of how assessment determines the nature of student learning; Reflection on policies impacting on assessment; and Introduction of key assessment terms.
“Having attended all four modules of the UEIP, I strongly believe that each one of these modules are well structured. During this module in particular, I enjoyed engaging the different methodologies of assessment and hearing other people’s approaches to assessment. Also, learning how people from different disciplines and institutions (Mancosa in this case) experience the same things as we do. We got to laugh about similar experiences that are pleasant or unpleasant, and it’s good to know that your situation is not abnormal” ~ said Ntokozo Madlala (UKZN Lecturer: Drama and Performance Studies)
This module is suitable for all recently appointed academics or any academic staff seeking development. For education to play this pivotal role, it requires committed academics who are able to construct and transfer knowledge through carefully designed and implemented curricula.
All our UEIP modules are available only on request. Should you wish to be part of this programme, please contact:
UKZN Extended Learning
E: enquiries.uel@ukzn.ac.za
T: +27 31 260 1234