– by Noluthando Makhaza
The lens through which one views the world is predominately determined by one’s thoughts. For this reason, it is important for aspiring and existing entrepreneurs to examine the nature of their thoughts whether they are generally more optimistic or pessimistic about the future of their businesses. Cultivating a strong mind-set is a lifelong process, and this is crucial for successful businesspeople.
Instilling these fundamental principles to aspirant and existing entrepreneurs was the Robin Hood Foundation through their philosophical event, Entrepreneurs 4 Africa. The two-day conference took place at the Hillcrest City Hill Church where UKZN Extended Learning was part of the exhibition section as we shared information about our current programmes which may assist in the skills advancement of the current and upcoming entrepreneurs of our country.
The conference was jam-packed with knowledge, skills and advice from successful business leaders such as Vusi Thembekwayo, Brian Adams, Cindy Norcott, Akhona Mahlati, and Max Moyo. The theme was centred on the famous quote by Nelson Mandela -‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’. The conference closed off on a very high note as attendees walked away with prizes such as office equipment, books, free mentorship programme sign-ups, and skills training courses. In support of the Foundation’s vision and the development of entrepreneurs, UEL sponsored two delegates with a two-day Microsoft Excel short course each. These courses will help improve the computer proficiency of the two entrepreneurs for enhanced administration in their own businesses.
The Robin Hood Foundation is one of the country’s number one custodians for giving back to our communities through their various ethical projects which intend to inspire, uplift, build, reach out, and connect with the local communities. “Humans do not lack knowledge, however, we lack fortitude to act on what we understand”, explained Vusi Thembekwayo as he conducted his presentation. “It is the: Then what? How? Now what? kind of questions that we get stuck on”. Such quotes are worth pondering on as they inspired, and challenged each attendee to invest in themselves, their unique strengths and skills, to seek knowledge and insight, and to additionally develop a curious mind-set where one learns to ask questions which have never been asked before, therefore developing the courage to act on what they believe they can achieve.
Not only was the conference formal and serious, but there was also entertainment from the award winning storyteller and performer, Gcina Mhlophe, as well as from our local Maskandi talents, Qadasi aka David Jankins, and Maqhinga Radebe. We were honoured to be part of such an amazing experience. A job well done to the Robin Hood Foundation team!